Visibility and Transparency

This post has been a long time coming. It was only a matter of time before I felt confident enough and felt the flow of inspiration to put pen to paper, idea to page without regard to praise or criticism. When I started this blog 6 years ago (o my goodness, where has the time gone?!?!), I was not entirely sure what the purpose of it would be, I just wanted to write. You can check out that post here.

Even though I wasn’t sure how I was going to accomplish it, the theme of “visibility” was the entire premise behind the meaning of the name of this blog: “La Luz Verde” or “The Green Light”. The phrase means that not only should you give yourself the green light to go and follow your dreams and passions, but your green light should inspire other around you to give that same permission to themselves.

A glowing sea of green surrounds me. The people in my personal life and professional network are unashamedly and unabashedly pursuing their passions, taking steps towards their dreams and all the while leading an examined life. They live purposefully and intentionally. They are not afraid to enter into a state of reflection or meditation and examine themselves. What they “know” to be true today continues to be true for them because when subjected to scrutiny and questioning, the belief still holds true. Jeff Rouner recently challenged students of the world alike to remember that opinions and beliefs can and should be challenged on a regular basis and that it is not wrong or offensive to ask others to do so with their opinions as well. Think before you speak and act.

The value of being visible to others has never been lost on me. Throughout different times in my life I have looked to role models or those who have walked a similar path, as a source inspiration and motivation, for their know how, for their story, for encouragement. Some of those role models have changed across the years based on my needs and the goals that I set for myself. Sometimes I simply needed to be reminded that I had a purpose when I all too frequently got distracted and deterred by the infinite demands of our fast-paced ultra-connected society.

By not consciously deciding what that purpose is in the past I have passively allowed others to set it for me or to use me for their own gain, at times at a detriment to myself. Even when we think we are doing nothing we are doing something for someone. Sitting on your phone for hours, scrolling, tapping on links, liking photos, or swiping past profiles, and exposing yourself to the messages of others is great for advertisers, but not so great for your wallet or for what you and that “greater sense of self” want to accomplish.

When I wrote that first blog those some years ago I knew the value of visibility and transparency, but lacked the confidence (despite my initial affirmations) in the value of my ideas, thoughts, and experiences. Today, I couldn’t be more sure of myself. The most pronounced difference between now and then is that I have finally, and I mean FINALLY lost the fear of failure and criticism, the fear of being or doing something wrong. There is just as much, and some would argue more, value in our mistakes than our successes and I truly welcome those with views different from my own. Here’s to writing about them all!

I would love to hear from some of you about opposite side of the coin, that perhaps a life in the green lime light (see what I did there? ; ) ) isn’t quite right for everyone. Sound off in the comments below!

Visibility and Transparency