
I swear this blog is starting to write itself and take on a mind of its own. I am but the lowly fleshy messenger transcribing a message sent from parts unknown.

Moments after posting my last piece Visibility and Transparency, a friend from high school commented on the post via Facebook that she had had a green light moment recently and had given herself the permission to pursue a goal of hers, perfectly embracing the fear that came along with this decision. She was not paralyzed, but empowered by it. I believe that fear is an indication that we are going in the right direction.

I was so excited when she responded that I did not take a moment to thank her for her authenticity and candor, so I will do so here and now. I was mainly focused on offering support while trying not to be overly intrusive. No details were given about the nature of her pursuit, but that was beside the point. The fact of the matter is that she made the decision to take an important leap. She gave herself the green light. You need no one’s permission other than your own to pursue your next calling.

With that in mind I would like to extend an invitation far and wide. If you would like to submit your Green Light story, please submit any pieces for consideration to The more voices the better. While I do enjoy the sound of my own, what good is just one perspective? I would be honored to offer a platform for your tales. I made what I believe is a crucial error in the past by sharing only when something I perceived to be “good” or beneficial happened. I made a mistake in not sharing some of the struggles and tumultuous times in between. I say that to say that there no stone should be left unturned and all should feel free to share whatever they may so be inspired to share for there may be someone who can benefit from your Green Light.

Thank you Sara for being the first. On that note, here is the unofficial theme song of The Green Light (La Luz Verde) – Beyonce “Green Light”.


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